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A Greener Mid-Autumn Festival

A survey showed that about 1.79 million mooncakes were discarded by the public last year, generating a large amount of food waste.

In view of this, Green Power is holding a pledging campaign, “Five Steps at Source to Achieve Zero Mid-Autumn Food Waste”, to encourage the public to reduce the food waste generation after the festival. Not only can the public find out more tips on food waste reduction from the campaign website, but also get a set of food bag clipper for free upon making their pledge to reduce food waste.

In addition, public can donate excess mooncakes and mooncake boxes to the Mooncake Donation and/or Mooncake Box Recycling Campaign organized by the Hong Kong Baptist University from 9 September 2013 to 19 September 2013. The collected mooncakes will be donated to the families in need and the mooncake boxes will be recycled properly. For details, please refer to the promotional poster.

Hong Kong Daily News reported: Three-quarters of moon cake was discarded by each household in the Mid-Autumn Festival last year (Chinese version only)