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Recycling Trade
Offers and Services
General Requirement
of Tenant
Offers and Services
The Policy Framework of the government's strategy on waste management sets out a comprehensive policy to support the recycling industry that places emphasis on waste reduction and recovery. The EcoPark is a key element of such policy that aims to promote the local recycling industry and jump-start a circular economy by providing long term land for the environmental and recycling industry. By encouraging and promoting the reuse, recovery and recycling of our waste resources and return them to the consumption loop, the EcoPark can help realize the full potential of the local recycling industry and alleviate the heavy reliance on the export of recyclable materials recovered from Hong Kong.

EcoPark supports local recycling and environmental industries in the following areas:
  1. Long-term exclusive land with marine frontage and basic infrastructure at affordable cost
  2. Services rendered by the operator and built-in environmental protection measures can reduce tenants' pollution control costs
  3. Creating synergy among clusters of similar industries
  4. Vertical integration to create a "circular economy"
  5. More job opportunities for recycling and related industries
  6. Prestige associated with business based in EcoPark
Please click here for more EcoPark information.