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EcoPark Green Features
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Organizations / Companies
Extended product responsibility is one business principle that a modern day organization cannot choose to ignore. In addition to selling goods, manufacturers should think ahead how the products can meet the recycle standard or the least impact the products can cause the environment if they are disposed of. Educating the general public the importance of recycling obsolete products is an equally essential task. Besides using reusable materials and minimizing waste at the production line, organizations can also contribute to the betterment of the environment by reducing waste, saving energy, improving indoor air quality and also minimizing pollution. At the same time, Government is also actively encouraging organizations to calculate carbon footprint and to take appropriate actions to reduce carbon consumption and waste reduction by means of avoiding excessive waste production, collect recyclable and reusable materials, lease offices with energy saving features and use energy-saving light bulbs.

The Administration Building in EcoPark was designed with a holistic green approach. Some of its green features such as terracotta louvers, green roof and solar fins are effective means to reduce energy consumption while optimizing its day to day operation.